Paige's Return to Deutschland!

Hallo from Berlin! This blog is a place for friends and family to get occasional snip-its on Biggs' life in Germany and me to assuage my guilt for living so far away from loved ones. Expect bad syntax and so-so sentence structure. There is no shame in just scrolling for little Biggs' photos for a "cute fix" without the risk of getting sucked into social media.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Book Report: Bad Mormon

I don't know how this book found me, but it was fascinating.  

Growing up in the US, we all had Mormon friends - in school, dance classes, sports, piano, etc. These Mormon kids did all the things and did them well. We knew that they had some wacky traditions - the special underwear, secret temple traditions, etc. This book will give you the inside scoop on all of it. The book devolves in the end into reality TV nonsense but it's still palatable. 

Overall the book left me feeling very grateful that I was not born into a religion where the ultimate goal is to be a perfect housewife. I can't think of a worse environment for a woman with a big personality and ADHD. A gentle reminder of my personal freedoms is very welcome in these times of far-right political nonsense. Stay sane my friends.


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