Friday, September 18, 2015

2015: Year of the Mama

After a couple years of floating through careers and dating in my mid-20s, I hit the accelerator button in 2011. A brief chronology:

2011 - Moved to Portland, met Paul two weeks later
2012 - Got engaged and married Paul
2013 - Bought a house, succumbed to car ownership, and put a bun in the oven
2014 - Crosby arrived

2015 was supposed to be the year of taking a breather. In a bitter sweet way, it became the year of saying goodbye to my mom. These next couple months I have a few things up my sleeve to celebrate the one, and only, Constance Beckley.

Things I want to do to honor my mom:
1. Finish gifting clothing and other cherished items
2. Finish thank you notes
3. Do something musical 
4. Get serious about Christmas decorating: wreaths, lights, etc
5. Host a baby shower 
6. Put together my look using the ‘capsule’ concept (Capsule isn’t really my mom, but a fusion of my mom and me) 
7. Host a fancy dinner party using our Lenox china
8. Blog about our time together in Germany
9. Keep up with the Lamb Clan

I’m giving myself until Easter to go through my list. My mom and I both weren’t known for our punctuality. ;)

Be well,



  1. Michelle Lax10:57 PM

    Oh, friend! I haven't checked your blog in ages, but I happened to be cleaning out my bookmarks (seriously) and came across it. I'm so glad I did. I send you all my love and excitement, too, as you begin your list to celebrate your wonderful mama. I wish I could help you decorate for Xmas or attend your fancy dinner party, but alas, given our distance, I'll just have to do so in spirit. Abrazos fuertes mi hermana valdiviana! xoxo

  2. Paigers! How are you doing on your list?? Is love to support Christmas decorations or the "something musical". Maybe there's a mama and baby music retreat...
