Thursday, September 07, 2017

Welcoming the Stranger

This week has been a strange tug of war for this soul of mine. First, we start with the positive. Germany has embraced the Biggs family with open arms. By Germany, I mean the German state. We keep on finding out all of the benefits of our “Blue Card” immigration status.

Just two days ago I found out that I, who have not contributed one cent or minute of work to the German workforce, get 300 Euros a month after Baby Boss arrives. AND, if Paul takes two months off of work, we both get paid, for a total of 14 months. This chunk of change is in addition to the ‘child money’ we get for each child as well as the state picking-up 90% of Crosby’s preschool bill. As I don’t work outside the home, I normally would be ‘entitled’ to 4-5 hours of care. However, as we don’t speak German at home we receive 5-7 hours a day for the same price as Crosby’s four hour-a-week preschool in Portland. In summary, I am ‘making’ more money here as a mom than I did in Portland working freelance.

I know that Germany has a reputation of being family friendly. But, extending these services to people who are not even German citizens is amazingly generous. Yes, we do pay higher taxes, but we also tangibly see that money directly deposited back in our bank account. What a concept that people who can use a break - students, new parents, and retired folks - are actually getting it.

That’s the segue to my newest frustration - The Trump administration’s announcement that it will be ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). These 800,000 young people, 90% of whom are employed and 72% of which are in higher education, are what make the US great. To end this program under the guise of ‘eliminating Obama’s overreach’ and giving back jobs to ‘Americans’ is plain and simple racism a la Trump. The governors who have strong armed Trump into this repeal should be ashamed of themselves.

So what do expats like me do to let Dreamers know they are supported? Well, the usual - pray, donate to organizations, call-up legislators, etc. But, it all feels distant. My heart breaks for these kids who are stuck in the limbo after having a taste of ‘freedom’ to earn degrees and find legal employment. I pray that the Dreamers and supporters keep up the fight. This struggle is not just about immigration it is about the future of the United States. Cros is up for the good fight.

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