Monday, November 23, 2020

More Napping Hugo

My mom bought this amazing blue snow suit for Crosby but sadly never lived to see it in action. It is one of the few things I have left from her that I see on mostly daily basis. In true Hugo fashion, he wears it loud and proud. 

Here is is jamming cake in his face that one of his teacher packed in a little napkin because he needed to leave before snack time. Side note - home baked goods with all the allergens are allowed in Kita for kids' birthdays. Just one more aspect of life here that is easier.

In five minutes he went from that to:

Sometimes we have to get a little creative on how to get Crosby in the bike when Hugo falls asleep like this:

or this:

But like most things, Crosby is a good sport, especially when it means he gets to eat Hugo's snack without any conflict. 

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