Saturday, March 06, 2021

How do I love you....let me count the ways

I started thinking about this blog even before Paul left the house with the boys to take them to the board game store so I could have some solo time while Carmen sleeps. Shockingly, the game Battleship is a little too advanced for 3 year-old Hugo. In any case, with a quiet house I have some time to post about how I have the best husband ever. This photo is a good start:

1. Three kids on a bike - NBD (no big deal). We happened to run into two of his co-workers while riding to the park so he got some extra daddy props from the outside world.  
I'm very thankful that Paul was game for buying our third electric bike in less than a year because our first Radpower bike couldn't carry two kids, let alone three, easily. We sold the first Radpower bike to a friend at half price. Many husbands would be grumpy about spending that much money on bike purchases but Paul is a good sport in the name of adventure/convenience.

2. He's an amazing photographer. This pandemic was made a little easier by the loving care Paul took in curating some amazing photos to keep our families and friends in the loop. Also, he supports my amazing fashion risks. I'm seen here wearing a one piece snow suit and a bike helmet that we're pretending doubles as a hat.

3. He has an eye for beauty. In this case, Carmen and Hugo's bums. Jokes. I appreciate that he is equally obsessed with our favorite parts of parenting - bums and snuggling.

4. He's not a picky eater. Avocados are really a gamble here with regards to quality. They also mostly come from South or Central America which is not eco-friendly. Therefore, I jumped on the opportunity to try a farming marketplace that connects consumers with individual growers. We managed to eat 20 avocados in four days. Carmen probably ate ten. Did he ever complain? Nope. I mean they are avocados after all. But, he happily eats all sorts of creations that come out of my kitchen.

5. He is both the safety officer and equipment manager for team Biggs. I trust him with the safety of our kids more than I trust myself. Also, he has more patience than any person I know for the shenanigans of a certain little Biggs.

6. He has a great sense of humor and loves to laugh. The first weekend we met my stomach literally hurt from laughing so much. 

7. He's flexible. With that, this little lady just woke up and is in need of some snuggles.



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