Thursday, April 08, 2021

Dodim: Baby walkers and more

Corona has limited my ability to pawn, I mean -share- my baby, with the world. Before I had kids, I always wanted to hold babies, but most new parents were not keen to hand them over. I made a vow that if I were lucky enough to have babies, they would get passed around. I had many a new acquaintance tell me that holding Crosby or Hugo was the best part of their day. In corona our baby sharing was limited - but we went for quality not quantity. 

One day I pawned Carmen off on our upstairs neighbors who we now call the Dodim. Dodim means uncles in Hebrew. Sometimes the stars aligned for Carmen to join on one of their three daily dog walks. 

The first walk, I completely underdressed her (whoops) but she came back pink and happy.

We then started having a special baby carrier sized for the Dodim so we'd be ready for a quick pick-up.

Carmen still has a lot to learn about being gentle around dogs, and I have a lot to learn about photography. #blurrybutyougetthepoint

We also stashed Hugo and Carmen with them for Crosby's first day of school celebration. 
The first day of school is a Saturday for first graders. Usually it's a big celebration but with corona, only parents were aloud to attend. Crosby didn't mind the undecided attention. The cone he's holding is also a German school tradition - a Schultüte. Typically parents put in school supplies but after spending hours putting together the list below from the school, I just loaded it with squirt guns instead. #sometimesIamacoolmom

I learned some new vocabulary words. All you need to know is there are over 40 items on this list, and none are available at one store.

Anywho, Carmen also went to hang out with them on Halloween so we could really focus on the trick-or-treating:
Niv is shown here, attempting to keep Carmen. I can't blame him, she makes a great heater.

We've since celebrated some holidays together when we were aloud to meet - Hanukkah, Christmas Eve, and most recently a Seder. 
The little rascal helped herself to the Matzah sprinkle balls. And can you blame her?

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