Monday, July 26, 2021

How was the flight?

Not to toot our own horns, but these kids are the best:

Carmen helps push the cart at the airport. Note - you will see our two large bags on the trolly. We managed to come home with four bags because:

Bam!: Reunited with the Sexy Hotness sleeping bags. These his and her walkable sleeping bags were waiting for us in Spokane to bring back to wear on our balcony in Berlin this fall. Worth an extra bag?

I mean, yes, Hugo fits in there.

Also, it came in super handy for the hot tub budget busting session with Uncle Tyler. 

The forth bag was filled with who knows what, but I digress. We got to the airport over three hours early which was overkill. We couldn't check our bags yet - so we made our first of many, many Starbucks trips this trip back:
Why yes, all three kids are eating pink frosted donuts before getting on a three, and then seven, and then one hour flights. This is why I let them eat ice cream pretty much every day - so they are ready. 
Also, pro-trip the Starbucks cake pops in the US are pretty much the perfect size treat.

How was the new Berlin airport, you may ask? While you can get some background reading here or here, our experience could best be summed-up with a photo with a close-up.

This is the "family activity area" by our gate. Notice anything amiss?

Yup, those are live wires underneath the chair. While I'm being a grump - I'll just lay into my subpar airport observations. First of all, a key component of a child area is something for the kids to climb, jump, or generally use to get the energy out. A table with books and legos is a start, but not enough. Also, the bathrooms were also a ten minute walk away, which any parent of a toddler will tell you is not optimal. Finally, in an unrelated to the kid's zone, there are still non-functioning parts of the airport. For example, the fish restaurant where I ordered lunch only offered cold sandwiches because their exhaust system has never functioned properly. Before the epic German vaccine roll-out fail, BER was the pinnacle of political embarrassment. 

Ok, back to the sunny-side of life, we bought a couple things for the airplane to keep kids happy.

1. Cozyphones. I found these cozy phones, one kitty and one frog for the boys. They stay on their heads easier than regular earbuds and could double as an eye mask. (Good product, just wish they weren't made in China.)

2. Fox neck pillow. Ok, this was a splurge buy from when I went to the drugstore to get plane snacks. Crosby had a plain blue one from a previous trip which understandably was not a crowd pleaser by comparison. I told the boys about our trip literally two days before flying so as to keep the trip a surprise for Grandpa and Uncle Connor. As we know Kids + Secrets = No longer a secret. This is Hugo trying out the pillow two nights before our trip.

Other plane toys that are not pictured: 
3. Big bag of pipe cleaners 
4. Crayola Mess Free Wonder Markers - these pens mark only on their accompanying special paper. 
5. A Montessori busy board. This travel purse teaches little kids how to button, tie, etc. It was a little too advanced for Carmen but I think still has potential, especially if it helps your kids learn how to dress themselves. ha!
6. Icelandic Air Party Pack - the boys got little drawstring bags with stickers, an eye mask, and headphones.

Our strategy of shows on the first three hour flight, sleep on the longer seven hour flight, and then a free-for-all on the last short one to Spokane, worked out great:

Free-for-all = Girls sleep. I still don't know what the boys did on this flight.

But the real question about travel with kids is: how is/was the jet lag?!? That my friends, is the subject of the next post, stay tuned.

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