Friday, October 01, 2021

The Journey to Church

When we moved to Berlin as a family in 2017, we shopped around for churches, until we landed right back where my Berlin church adventure started 15 years ago - the United Methodist Church in Charlottenburg. Back in the day when our apartment building looked like this:

 Google street view from 2008. 

We initially hoped to find a church closer to our home in Prenzlauerberg, because our bike commute looks like this every Sunday.

Our usual goal is to hit some kind of park or interesting landmark on the way to church to make it more of an adventure. But, more often than not, we get out of our pajamas at the last minute before grabbing food at the food carts by our house before frantically pedaling across town.  This was last Sundays' perfect weather adventure.  

Surprise live music!

Surprise bumping into Crosby's school friend Martin.

Surprise naked motor cycle riding. jokes!

Once we get to church, the kids join for a kids' mini sermon and song:

I swear Hugo isn't plugging his ears. 

Then the kids head out of "big church" to kids' church. Ok, let's be honest - kids' church is just hanging out. The Sunday after Hugo's birthday we had yet another celebration (also part of the Birthday magic line-up):

Piñata = party

This last Sunday, we went to the park near church AND Miriam (official Sunday school mom) made popcorn.
Hugo living his best life.

Ok, now this is the life; eating popcorn while being pushed on a swing by a big girl (official Sunday school helper). It lasted for a couple minutes before Hugo got a face full of sand or should I say a head-full of sand. Hugo has been hitting Paul's hair product pretty hard. Palmade + Sand = I digress...

After an hour, the kids and I meet back up with the parents and adults chatting outside of church. We  try and make a quick getaway (also usually unsuccessful) before grabbing something quick - pizza or döner - for the ride home. Last Sunday was the Berlin marathon, and look what we found on the way home:
They even had a Texas hotdog. What is a Texas hotdog? Apparently it's with sauerkraut and fried onions.  The best Texas hotdog I've had outside of Texas. ;) The true miracle was we didn't get food poisoning because these dogs were lukewarm. #God'sprotection?

Victory tower + Sunset + Hot dog

Pro-tip: no catchup for hot dog amateurs. 

Our rides home usually end up with Carmen or Hugo looking like this:

On that note, this mama needs to pick-up these little rascals from Kita.

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