Sunday, January 02, 2022

Family Movie Favorites (updated)

Feb 3, 2022

So, I had to take this blog down because on the very last (20th) document of the Kur paperwork it said if you had been in quarantine within the last 14 days then you couldn't come. We were arriving on day 12 with a negative PCR test which meant ZERO risk to anyone else. The good news was that because I realized the Kur's rules are crazy strict I decided to keep the kids out the school for the Monday while waiting for the PCR test before our Tuesday check-in at the Kur. This proved to be a win because sure enough, that very Friday, the teacher and a bunch of kids in Crosby's class tested positive. Because Cros hadn't been there in a week, he was totally clear. Phew.

The PCR protocol described below is how it was around New Years. Now there are so many cases in Berlin (including one last week in the kids' Kita) that I think the PCR test is no longer necessary to confirm a case. I'll let you know when we (likely) get Omicron. Honestly, hopefully sooner rather than later while I'm calm from the Kur and then we can safely make Spring break plans. Just jump down below for the links if you're looking for the movie recs. 

Jan 2, 2022

Alternative working title: Quarantining in the New Year

We had close contact with a friend on Tuesday and Wednesday who tested PCR positive for Covid on Thursday. We'd already decided not to have any contact with any unvaccinated people during the break (ie other children). Our friend seemed like a safe bet as she already had Covid in May, before she could get a vaccine, and then got her two jabs in September. 

I'm not going to lie though, my first reaction was excitement at the prospect of potentially getting this omicron business over with. The pros:

 - Having immunity so we could fly or cross boarders without concern over a quarantine.  

- Not having the guilt of shutting down the Kita or School as we got it during the break (also missing fewer days of school). 

- Not having to have Crosby tested every time we go to dinner or take public transportation.

The current guidelines from the ministry of health is that after close contact with someone with confirmed Covid that unvaccinated people (ie our kids) need to quarantine for five days, PCR test on day five, or rapid test out on day seven. I'd been reading about omicron incubation peaks sooner, and figured the testing center wouldn't be busy on New Years' Day, so we rode over right when it opened on Day 3/4 after contact.

In Germany, anyone with a Red "Increased Risk" Corona Warm App can be PCR tested for free at the state run testing centers:

The kids don't apply, but were eligible for free PCR testing if they had a positive rapid test. So, we got the kids swabbed, walked around for 15 minutes, and found the results that Carmen and Crosby tested positive. A very nice clinician also let us PCR test Hugo figuring that he just wasn't testing positive yet.

Fast forward 30 hours later when all of our PCR tests came back negative. AND, Crosby woke up with a fever and Paul also wasn't feeling hot but their rapid tests are negative. So, we've heard from people that sometimes the PCR tests didn't go deep enough in our throats (but man, it was one step away from the gag reflex). But the whole thing is very weird. We'll do a rapid test on Wednesday, and if it's negative then the kids can go to school (if it's still open).

Anywho, that epic explanation was the intro into one of our favorite family activities when we can't leave the house. My definition of family movie means that both adults and kids will be entertained. By that definition, you won't find any of the classic Disney movies from the 80s as the jokes intended for adults appear to be more of a recent trend. Also not on my list - the classic preschooler favorites - Paw Patrol and Frozen. Without further ado:

1. Soul  - We watched this one last Christmas time with our neighbor Val. It will make you cry, it will make you think, and it will make you laugh. 

2. The Lego Movies - The Lego Movie, Lego Batman, and Ninjago are comedic gold.

3. Up - You'll cry in the first five minutes and then you'll laugh the rest of the movie.

4. Baby Boss - This had to make the list because "Boss Baby" was Hugo's nickname when he was still on the inside. We named him Hugo in part because of Hugo Boss.

5. Storks - This movie might also make you cry a bit, but mostly laugh.

6. Sing - The music is so great. We are always checking to see when Sing 2 will be released to video. 

7 Coco - This is such a sweet movie, especially for kids who've lost a grandparent. Also, the movie has some of my favorite things - Mexican culture, Gabriel Gael Bernal, and a sound track so good that a bunch of the songs made my Spotify labor play list for Carmen.

8. The Book of Life - This movie was maybe a little overshadowed by Coco as it came out around the same time and also is about the day of the dead. But, we thought it was still fun.

9. The Madagascar Movies - We just watched the Penguins of Madagascar last night - did not disappoint. I think there were even more funny moments that we missed because Carmen kept on pointing at the screen and saying "look".

10. Cars - I found Cars 2 especially funny when I watched it with my nephew Oliver 10+ years ago. I haven't seen the third, but Paul and Crosby saw it in the theater and liked it.

11. Hotel Transylvania Movies - I went to see the third Transylvania movie in the theater here in Berlin because it was 100 F/40 C and I (wrongly) assumed that theaters are air conditioned in Germany. But, the DJ battle made it all worth it. We haven't seen the forth...yet. 

12. Luca - Spunky characters and all your favorite Italian stereotypes.

13. Trolls - I loved trolls as a kid so I needed to see this movie. It was such a fun movie and then while watching the credits we saw the story was by one of Paul's college friends.

Christmas Movies:

I. The Star - the story of the first Christmas through the animals who were there. Not a lot of jokes, but the music is good and of course a great story. 

II. Klaus- a clever movie with lots of jokes for adults and a happy ending.  

Artsy Movies - just like foreign films for adults - you need to be ready for them:

Un. Song of the Sea - This movie will make you cry and want to visit Ireland. 

Deux. Ponyo - A silly magical japanimation. 

Our next movie:

Encanto - We were supposed to watch this with a friend on Wednesday but cancelled because we needed to isolate. But, hopefully a movie night will be in our future.

As we have a couple of sensitive little boys, there have been a couple movies that likely worked for most families but didn't for ours:

Toy Story 4 - We had to literally leave the theater. The other Toy Stories were ok, but as they start in the 90s, they don't have as many jokes for adults. 

Zootopia - There were too many scary surprises/ dark themes in this movie for our crew. The humor was otherwise on point, however.

Our other quarantine actives include but are not limited to:

Making Pizza with homemade dough from our neighbor Nele. Nele, who was in quarantine three times last month with her kids, knows all the survival tips and rules. 

New Years Eve Dance Party with Artsy Photos by Daddy. Glow sticks courtesy of Nele.


Using up random ingredients from our pantry. The boys didn't love mango sauce from mango chicken the night before so I called it the pumpkin and milk in this recipe.

Post fever bath.

Team Sleeping. Carmen just transitioned back into the boys' room into a big girl bed aka taking off one side of the crib. Last night I peeked in to see the boys and found she joined the fun. Speaking of which, my bed is calling...

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