Sunday, March 13, 2022

A Proverb for International Women's Day

My goal every day is to have some time to read the Bible. I also try to go to bed before 9:30 everyday. One of those goals happens more than the other. sigh

One of my favorite Proverbs is Proverb 31, often called a virtuous woman. Proverbs 31 is very popular among Jewish and Christian traditions as it describes a "virtuous woman". While my daily life would appear that I support "traditional gender roles",  I am in fact very against putting any person in a box. I am currently reading Nadia Bolz-Weber's book Shameless which has some fresh, albeit at times brash, thoughts on the matter. 

In any case, Carmen is helping me be a Proverbs 31 woman in the sense of:

"She gets up while it is still dark..." vs 15. 

Spring forward will be happening for us in two weeks, I am hoping that will help Carmen adjust to the right time zone. I digress, which how can you not, when this double fisting croissant eater is involved?

Hugo has the right idea here...

And here...

Back to the task at hand, while I prefer an actual physical Bible in my hand, just like any photographer will tell you, the best camera you have is the one on you. So, I read on my phone. I use the Youversion App. Right now I'm doing a Bible reading project with the Portland based group The Bible Project. Most days have a cool animated introduction, which I often watch with the kids, and then associated reading. At my current rate, I think I'll get through this reading plan in five years which isn't bad.

The Youversion App, also has a verse of the day video and children's daily Bible experience. When I don't have a lot of time or when I see the verse of the day has a BIPOC preacher, I try and watch. The verse of the day on international woman's day, was a verse from Proverbs 31. What struck me from the the verse on the 8th of March is:

"She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy." Proverbs 31:20

The preacher highlighted the fact that to extend your hands, there is an element of proximity. This concept is especially timely for team Biggs with our proximity to many Ukrainians now living in Berlin. Just last week we saw this message from our babysitter Gen:

I was stoked because I through babushka meant baby, but no, it means grandma. So my amazing girl baby clothes are still on stand-by for another Ukrainian family. But, we were able to meet-up and Carmen now has another little buddy who is just four days older just around the corner from our house. 

Brekkie for the win. Short menu and a crowd pleaser.

This blog post was actually inspired by crowdfarming - the company that sends us our boxes of avocados. They have been partnering with their farmers to send food to Ukraine. If you don't live just around the corner but want to do something to support the people of Ukraine, this is another good option.

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