Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Birthday Vibes

I woke up about the best way possible this morning.

August 17, 7:15 AM

Carmen waddling over from her potty with her night diaper around her ankles: "Can you wipe my cola?" 

(Cola = literally 'tail', colloquially 'bottom' for little kids in Spanish)

A year ago I spent my birthday week potty training Carmen. This year, I'm fully enjoying the fruits of my labor. This morning's extra hour of sleep was an added bonus. 

The littles are back in Kita but Crosby has one week at home before school starts. I was going to ship him off to summer camp, but Crosby worked really hard to get pass his "Seahorse" swimming test so now he's learning the important skill of being bored at home.

No German accomplishment would be complete without a gift pack of gummy bears in addition to a certificate, patch, and ballon.

Crosby and I did a mask:

Not creepy at all.

We went to lunch:

Lunch specials = my jam

We attempted to go clothes shopping but even a relaxed kid with a future promise of bubble tea has his limits. I'll try shopping again when Paul and I have a date this weekend. 

Speaking of Paul, with our 10 year anniversary around the corner, I feel similarly to the summer of 2012. I'm less focused on my birthday and more working towards getting things ready for our anniversary trip to Spain. 

Thank you all for the birthday wishes.

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