Monday, October 24, 2022

A Boss is Born

Tuesday, October 11th, 7 am

Hugo stops on the stairs to look at this picture:

Hugo: "Why are you all dressed like presidents?" 

Me: "Mama Connie was a fancy lady. She liked dressing-up."

Hugo: "Can I dress like the president?"

I remembered that one of the Kita teachers had a birthday. We had Hugo make a card.

Paul did his photoshoot thing:

Hugo enjoyed "Huging it" and the teachers thought he was adorable.

Wednesday, October 12th, 7 am

Hugo: "Can I wear my suit to my field trip at the aquarium so everyone thinks I'm the boss?"

Me: "Mama Connie bought cousin Oliver two suits for Daddy and Mommy's rehearsal dinner and wedding when cousin Oliver was your age. I guess you can alternate."

Mommy is playing it fast and loose with "Dry Clean Only"

Let's be honest, until this President phase, the suits haven't had a lot of play since:

Best day ever.

Crosby's passport photo day

Four days a week Hugo is the president. On Wednesdays he wears street clothes for the Kita field trip. He's a Ninja on the weekend (obviously). 

Me: Pose in front of this graffiti that says "I love mom."
Crosby: There is another A. Who writes MDMA? That doesn't even spell anything. 

Crosby chose the nickname "Boss Baby" for Hugo while I was pregnant with Hugo. This nickname lead us to the name "Hugo" as a nod to Hugo Boss. And now the nickname has come full circle. Hugo does all of the usual Hugo things, just in a suit:

Running home through Mauerpark while I follow him by bike.

Running rain or shine. Obviously. 

Going on his weekly date with Mommy. Usually we go to the pool, but when the pool is closed we go to coffee.

Eating food scraps turned homemade potato chips on the bike which clearly leads to...

And sometimes he keeps it classy leaving his jacket on

Hugo did not bring his suit to Spain because he didn't want to be "sweaty". His discernment is clearly presidential. 

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