Friday, June 23, 2023

Book Report: Hello Molly

My most devoted blog reader, Dudu, encouraged me to listen to Anderson Cooper's series "All there is" on grief. 

This is the point where I have to admit that I don't like podcasts. They fall in the category of things I don't like but the rest of the world does. While I'm being honest, I also don't like concerts or watching live news. But, Anderson Cooper had some guests on the show that I couldn't resist - namely Stephen Colbert. With the writers strike, I'll do most anything to just get a hit of Colbert. Also, Anderson Cooper's personality reminds me of Dudu. I'll do most anything for a hit of Dudu too. 

In many ways it is a mercy that I'd been recently thinking about grieving abstractly as I am now back in full throws of it with my uncle Karl's unexpected death. The podcast pointed me towards my current book, Molly Shannon's "Hello, Molly". 

Molly Shannon was on Anderson Cooper's podcast because she is no stranger to grief - losing her mom, baby sister, and adult cousin in a car accident at the age of four. This book is particularly helpful for me as a mother as she talks about how she thought about grief as a kid. As a comedian, she also provides some much needed comic relief around heavy topics. Reading a purely comical book right now would just feel wrong. Thankfully, Molly Shannon's book pretty well bridges the gap of all the feels. Speaking of which, I am going to pit some cherries and make some more progress on this book.

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