Saturday, October 28, 2023

Ode to Nap

There are a few milestones in a parent's life:

  1. Ditching the diapers
  2. Dropping the nap
  3. Unassisted satisfactory butt wiping
  4. High school graduation
Crack open a bag of seaweed snacks - we're halfway through parenting!

During the big summer visit from Paul's college friends, our friend Maggie dutifully recorded Carmen in action...or inaction as it were.

At the zoo

Seeing the sites

At the beach

Waiting for the train

Off the train

Carmen dropped her nap at Kita this fall. Following in the footsteps of Hugo, she has some epic on-the-go napping.

"Fall asleep outside and wheel into the bathroom stroller nap"

"Bottom of the stroller variation of the fall asleep outside and wheel into the bathroom stroller nap"

This three hour nap was our first clue that we were dealing with another round of pinworms.

Mommy bliss before finding lice in her hair and spending the next hours combing everyone. 

"Fell asleep with the top down but now it's sprinkling umbrella save nap"

"Crosby - hang out here with Carmen while Hugo and I pop into the grocery store nap"

"Neck holder assist upright nap"

Paul also took some good photos of her napping in Greece:

Since Corona, the Kita requires that kids be symptom free for 48 hours before returning after illness. As such, there is usually one day where the littles have all the energy but are still not allowed back at Kita. Enter the Construction Playground. Kolle 37 embodies my favorite German childhood ethos - all the self-sufficient fun with very little consideration for safety. 

Children 6-16 can go play with construction materials with some staff supervision. There is no sign-up required, no emergency contact numbers recorded, and no waivers signed. Parents are not allowed inside unless it is a special family day. Most parents actually aren't anywhere to be found. However, as Hugo doesn't have a phone watch, I hung out at the tables and chairs in-front of the park so he could find me again. He had a great time and said "I'm not allowed to play with the electric saw until I practice for 50 hours with the manual saw." As such, I anticipate a lot more of this: 

"Hugo goes and plays with saws while mommy supervises me" nap

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