Sunday, August 04, 2024

Book Report: Breath

Me to Ashley: “Have you read the book Breath?”
Ashley: “Yes, I liked it.”

Connor: “I read the sequel.”

Ladies: “Oh?”

Connor: “It’s called fart.”

So yeah, has fatherhood changed Connor? Nope, he’s still got the zingers in addition to an adorable squishy lady who just turned one. No photo rights so enjoy this photo of Cros on his first birthday. 

So back to farting, I mean breathing. Really, a whole book on breath? Well the book is a lot of vignettes about different stories about breathing in sports, yoga, medicine, etc. If you like science, medicine, and good writing it’s an interesting read. But, if you’re short on time skip to the last pages and he’ll give you the seven points you need to know. 

If you’re really short on time I’ll tell you the most important message: breathe through your nose. There’s a bunch of ways to do this, but one way is taping your mouth at night. So Paul and I have added one more spicy step to the bedtime routine - tape at 10 pm.

Do we feel more rested? I mean, we look pretty good.


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