Thursday, September 05, 2024

Book Report: Funny Story

After our first positive Corona test, I knew I was going to need something to get through the days ahead. Thankfully, the PDX library delivered this gem just in time.

I liked Emily Henry's Beach Read and People We Meet on Vacation but I enjoyed Funny Story more. I found the characters much more relatable and generally less annoying. These are romance novels staring millennials after all, so one has to accept some of the quirks associated with the special snowflake generation. 

The book got me through the rolling positive corona tests happening every two days. We were 5 for 5. I tested positive on my birthday. Also on my birthday, a louse jumped out of Paul's hair. So, this book got me through hours of changing and washing sheets while Paul spent hours combing our hair.  It was a memroble birthday to say the least.

But I'm grateful that we got over covid soon enough for Crosby to do his favorite art camp, Hugo to start school, and Carmen to follow around her new favorite person. 

Thankfully Robin came recently recovered and fully boosted. She's going to need all the immunity she can get.

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