Paige's Return to Deutschland!

Hallo from Berlin! This blog is a place for friends and family to get occasional snip-its on Biggs' life in Germany and me to assuage my guilt for living so far away from loved ones. Expect bad syntax and so-so sentence structure. There is no shame in just scrolling for little Biggs' photos for a "cute fix" without the risk of getting sucked into social media.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Homeschool continued...

This pandemic has taken us all many places that none of us expected to go. In my case, I never imagined that I would choose to homeschool my kids. But, here we are. Crosby's school is opening up part-time on Monday and we have decided to keep him at home. The best case scenario is he will be learning at home a couple weeks more before heading back to school. The main reason to keep Crosby home is the UK Corona variant is spreading rapidly in Germany. Additionally, there are the smaller practical reasons:

- The 8:00 am - 11:45 am school hours are less than idea for our family.  Early mornings + commuting during the mid-day meal when Crosby ate at school at 11:15 = Tired + Hangry

- The Kita isn't open for Hugo yet, and we don't know when it will be. It is better for Hugo to have a buddy and also for Carmen to have a protector from Hugo. ha!

- Our Oma Friend, Leanne - who watches Carmen and Hugo while Crosby and I do homeschool, spent two weeks in the hospital with Covid in March. We would like to keep having her help while not putting her at additional risk.

- Crosby told me I am the best teacher ever yesterday. (Ok, I let him finish early.)

- Clothing is optional.

Crosby is seen here with his new clock to learn days of the weeks, telling time, etc. The kid speaks three languages but he just learned his birthdate this week. See next point...

- I feel like Crosby is making really big strides with all the one-on-one instruction. As I have no formal early-elementary education training, perhaps he would be making these same gains in school. I'm talking to a teacher friend this weekend to confirm (or deny) my strategy. 

In addition to Crosby's morning reading practice and afternoon one-on-one working through workbooks, we're adding some new subjects:

Music and Circle Time
The Kita headmaster gave us the green light for Crosby to join Hugo for Tuesday music and Thursday circle time. Circle time at Kita when school is in session is usually a singing and sharing time for the kids. On lockdown the teachers read the kids a story, have an activity, or act out a play or song.

Story Time with Daddy and/or Oma Friend
Graphic novels and comic books are our jam.

Home Economics with Val
Val made her roommate a delicious no-bake cheese cake and requested special assistance from Crosby. Everyone wins on this teamwork.

Physical Education
Oma Friend or I get the boys out every day to "blow the stink off". Today we also did some praise dancing. We're adding-in some awesomeness to our Lent.

Crosby made great birthday signs for the big Beckley birthday bonanza this week - GG, Oliver, and Papa.

Child Development
Ok this is just a gratuitous photo of our new 17 day-old neighbor because she is adorable and Crosby LOVES babies.


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