If you need a cry there's this but if you want a laugh then the Biggs littles deliver. Without further ado, the top quotes of last year.
- Crosby: “The U-bahn has a special smell called stink.”
- Hugo: “The cookies were too sweet, but I ate two, so our friends didn’t think I didn’t like them.”
- Hugo: “Why is it called Lost Vegas? Because you go there to lose your money?”
- Hugo: “I’m not going to do sports that could damage your head when I’m bigger. I’ll do yoga.”
- Carmen smelling incense: “Smells like tacos.”
- Hugo: “Is it called googolplex because it’s so big you have to Google it?”
- Carmen: “Hugo called me a polack” Me: “What…Oh Poloch (butthole in German)”
- While flying into Milan: Paul: “Look down, that’s what Italy looks like!” Hugo: “It looks way nicer than where we live, there’s no trash.”
- Hugo: "I like my dreams because it’s like watching TV when you’re asleep."
- Me: “Carmen, what’s your favorite fruit?” Carmen: “Hamburger.” Me: “No, fruit” Carmen: “Cucumber.”
- Hugo “I’m going to give up tofu for lent. When I eat tofu I’m thinking about how much I don’t like tofu and not God.”
- Carmen: “There’s a dog. It has a butt. And a hole.”
- Hugo: “Who do you think Russia will attack next if they win the war in Ukraine?”
- Carmen movie synopsis of Singing in the Rain: “They went into the house. They were dancing in the rain. And they put the cheese in the refrigerator.”
- Hugo to me: “Of course I’d rather spend time with you than my friends.”
- Crosby: “I like this Bible because it’s so big you forget the stories and can read it over and over.”
- Hugo while looking at this photo:
“Wait is that Mom protesting!?!”
- Hugo: “I’m basically Leonardo DaVinci”
- Hugo: “The Kita trip was a little fun. But between a little fun, and not seeing your parents… I mean, of course you want to see your parents.”
- Carmen: “I had the hotness yesterday” ie fever
- Hugo: “I’m a gliding hamster.” Paul: “You mean a flying squirrel?”
- Paige: “Maybe you’ll want to marry a woman someday” Hugo: “I don’t want to kiss anyone who’s not in my family.”
- Paige: “What if I wasn’t helpful?” Hugo: “We’d starve. But if I don’t help it’s not that big of a deal.“
- Hugo: “ Crosby do you want some cheesecake? It’s good. Mom didn’t make it.”
- Carmen: “Girls come out of the vagina and boys come out of the butt”
- Paul “I lived with roommates.” Carmen: “You never lived with mermaids.”
- Hugo to me: “Take off your shirt so I can snuggle your boobies.”
- Hugo: “I’m gonna miss you more than you’re gonna miss me.”
- Hugo to Paul: “Do you like touching mommy’s boobies? Because I created an invention: the secret booby toucher.” (Hands Paul his invention paper and popsicle stick invention.)
- Hugo to me: “You smell better than you usually do. Did you shower today?”
- Carmen: “Where’s Trumpet?” ie Trump
- Hugo while looking at a fish tank: “Is that fish dead or is it doing yoga?”
- Hugo to me: “You’re My Google translator”
- Carmen: “I don’t wanna go home. I want to live in the mountains because it’s pretty.”
- Carmen: “Hugo and Crosby don’t like me.” Me: “Why do you think that?” Carmen: “Because I interrupt them.” Me: “Do you think there’s something you could do to change that?” Carmen: “No. But they’ll like me when I’m older.”
- Paige: “Look there’s a baseball store. But I don’t know if we need anything.” Hugo: “We need cups for our wieners.”
- Robin to Crosby while sorting laundry: “What are these - your mom’s or Carmen’s?”
- Hugo on way to Karl’s farm: “Look horses, for horse meat”
- Carmen “You can’t tell me what to do.” Me: “That’s my job. I’m your mother.” Carmen: “You’re my mommy. You’re not my mother.”
- Deep thoughts on the train to Konstanz
Crosby: “Sheep”
Carmen: “Crosby said the f word.”
Hugo: “It smells like sweaty pants.”
- Carmen to Hugo: “Do you want that I break you?”
- Hugo: “I wish I could swim in a pool of mommy.”
- Hugo while on a Christmas date: “Why are you way nicer than normal today?
- Carmen: “Grab my hip. Did you know this is how people used to dance in the olden times?”
- Hugo while eating mint. “If I eat mint, my farts will smell like mint.” Me: I don’t think so. Hugo: “Then why did Andrew tell me that?”
Plenty more to come from this crew in 2025.