Self Employment Is the New Funemployment
Good news! As of two weeks ago, I am employed. You’re looking at the principal of Piccola Group LLC. Piccola is an acronym for Project Coordination, Investigation / Research, Multilingual Communication, Consulting , Organizational Support, Logistics, and Administrative Solutions. The catch: I’m self employed and don’t have many clients. (Tell everybody you know I’m wide open for projects.) The hope is to build Piccola Group while looking for other full or part-time work. I’ll be working to expand my services - getting certified as a translator / interpreter, getting my liquor license - and learning about setting up a business - marketing, putting together a website, etc. It’s a fun project.
When I’m not “working” you’ll find me around Seattle swimming, playing tennis, salsa dancing, catching-up with friends, hosting parties, and hanging out with Oliver. Summer is hands down the best season to have free time. That being said, I’m really hoping that I land something more or less stable before too long.
As promised, below please find a photojournalism project on Julie’s and my epic trip to Vancouver, BC. We reached some new levels of dirt bagging.