Paige's Return to Deutschland!

Hallo from Berlin! This blog is a place for friends and family to get occasional snip-its on Biggs' life in Germany and me to assuage my guilt for living so far away from loved ones. Expect bad syntax and so-so sentence structure. There is no shame in just scrolling for little Biggs' photos for a "cute fix" without the risk of getting sucked into social media.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

How to: Work in the Workout

The first question I get when I round-up random kids to do something like (below) is:

"How do you stay so fit?" Jokes. Nonetheless, I'll tell you how I check exercise off my daily to-do list

There was a time long, long ago when I was sporty for the fun of it. These days what I really need is accountability. The first step is to have a work-out buddy. In an ideal world it's your partner. If your partner needs motivation to join you, I recommend working out in your underwear and/or offering an enticing "cool-down". You're welcome husbands. If a partner isn't part of the current constellation, then finding your personal motivation is crucial. 

Our weekday mornings are all hands-on-deck to get the boys out the door. Once they are out at 7:15, Carmen unloads the dishwasher, and then she gets screen time while Paul and I do one of the following 20ish minute work-outs:

Matt Cordell - he does a lot of varied moves. Some require modifications (ahem push-ups) but mostly doable. His 20-Day Program is great. 

Growing Ananas - warning so many squats. Paul really doesn't like doing this many squats but they are a must for ski conditioning. This back to basics series seems intriguing. 

When we don't have a lot in the tank - we do a Happy Back Challenge - we bought the hip and back series and yoga blocks and straps. After we stretch we do a five minute ab video. We've been happy with Madfit and Jibby

On the rare mornings that I'm on my own, I opt for a Bosu ball work-out as I need to work on my stabilizing muscles. Paul doesn't love the Bosu ball and we only have one, so I drool over watch this guy or this guy.

On the weekends, I'm the lone mom doing a 10 minute HITT workout with my ear buds in while my kids run around at the park. Standing workouts with repeat reps like this one work best. #thatmom 

In addition to planned workout, I sneak in a little extra movement where I can. If I'm cold in my apartment I do a quick warm-up with the Fitness Marshall. I heard about him from a PDX friend's travel website. I couldn't find specifically where, although her post on staying fit during travel is helpful if you're on the road. 

When I've run out of mindless domestic tasks and want to continue to progress in my latest classy audio book, I'll stretch, use a foam roller, or balance on one foot while listening. Speaking of which, just finished this one last week:

My current favorite ADHD analogy from the book below is that the ADHD brain is like a first generation electric car. It is very cool and innovative but has no gas back-up and needs to recharge frequently.

I need exercise to recharge. And thus, workout buddies. I'm always interested in a walk or yoga. Stay active my friends.


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