Paige's Return to Deutschland!

Hallo from Berlin! This blog is a place for friends and family to get occasional snip-its on Biggs' life in Germany and me to assuage my guilt for living so far away from loved ones. Expect bad syntax and so-so sentence structure. There is no shame in just scrolling for little Biggs' photos for a "cute fix" without the risk of getting sucked into social media.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Book Report: Searching for Sunday

One of the many things I love about our church is the "old-school" paper church program every Sunday. In an ideal world, every Monday following the service I go through and look up all the German words I don’t know. While reading over the program a few months ago, I saw a quote from one of my favorite authors from one of her books that I hadn’t yet read.

Listening to anything by Rachel Held Evans feels like a phone call home to a dear friend. Sometimes the time zones don't line-up or the kids are sick so I listen to the audio books of the friend I wish I had. I've enjoyed all of her books, and this is no different. It was especially sweet to finish her book while walking a mini "Camino de Brandenburgo" - Bad Belzig to Hagelberg. 

While waiting at the bus stop to go back to Kiki's and my airbnb, a friendly woman offered to drive me back to town. Nothing like a little hitch-hiking to feel young again. 

This actual birthday is shaping up to be less eventful than last, as Hugo tested positive for Covid yesterday. But thankfully I celebrated early this year. I got my birthday dance a whole month before with my friend Amaya. 

 One Tom's heal changed to a flat on the way out the door. But no wardrobe malfunction would stop us.

I drank sangria with my Bible Study girls a couple days after dancing. Two weeks ago, Kiki and I spent four glorious days watching Olympics, catching up, and getting some work done (her) while I walked through the forest.

Seen here walking to a hot springs/sauna

Last week, Paul's parents sponsored a family adventure to Innsbruck. 

The "Growly Bear". It was great on a Beckley family vacation in 1988 and now Biggs in 2024.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes. It's another mom-tastic birthday with these super-spreaders.

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Book Report: Breath

Me to Ashley: “Have you read the book Breath?”
Ashley: “Yes, I liked it.”

Connor: “I read the sequel.”

Ladies: “Oh?”

Connor: “It’s called fart.”

So yeah, has fatherhood changed Connor? Nope, he’s still got the zingers in addition to an adorable squishy lady who just turned one. No photo rights so enjoy this photo of Cros on his first birthday. 

So back to farting, I mean breathing. Really, a whole book on breath? Well the book is a lot of vignettes about different stories about breathing in sports, yoga, medicine, etc. If you like science, medicine, and good writing it’s an interesting read. But, if you’re short on time skip to the last pages and he’ll give you the seven points you need to know. 

If you’re really short on time I’ll tell you the most important message: breathe through your nose. There’s a bunch of ways to do this, but one way is taping your mouth at night. So Paul and I have added one more spicy step to the bedtime routine - tape at 10 pm.

Do we feel more rested? I mean, we look pretty good.