How to: Too Good to Go
The Germans or maybe the Swedes or maybe REI coined the phrase "There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing." While this sentiment is enough for me to get out the door, the kids need some major convincing to get their daily 60 minutes of exercise or "blowing off the stink" as I call it. Our normal go-to locations for "winning the pants battle" are mostly off the table during austerity measures but thankfully there is the Too Good to Go App. I found this handy video that explains the concept. In summary, the app connects businesses with extra food (that they would otherwise throw away) with customers who are happy to rescue food for 30% of the original cost. More simply put, Too Good to Go is civilized dumpster diving.
In general, you search restaurants/bakeries/hotels based on your location and pick-up time window. I set the radius to one kilometer. When you find something interesting, you reserve and pay on the app, and then pick-up during listed time frame. The time frames can be anywhere to 10 minutes to all day. The description will tell you what you need to bring with you - sometimes just a bag and other times also your own containers. Below are some ways I use the app.
Run the Kids:
Yesterday the boys biked, Carmen and Paul scooted, and I ran to a new-to-us cafe for croissant sandwiches. One hour of exercise: check
New Neighborhood Exploration:
After dropping off Crosby at a birthday party, Carmen and I changed the map radius to see new Too Good to Go options. We ended up going to Latin American market near our house.
Live Vicariously through your Friends:
Cheap Date Idea:
We used Too Good to Go a lot when we were doing the walking challenge with Paul's college friends during our last parental leave in the summer of 2020. I'd pick a location for a too good to go meal that would be a long walk during the time period our babysitter was at our house.
I used this strategy last Thursday. The first stop was to first pick-up some croissants:
The next stop was offering beer right by an apartment for sale that we wanted to check out anyway. The apartment location wasn't a win, but the beer "surprise bag" was a doozy.
This is a classic case of me missing something every German knows to be true:
Fill-up the Picknicmeister's Lovetank
The first time I went to Oderburger Hotel with Too Good to Go, the buffet was left out for us to take what we want. Crosby and I took the pound of butter which likely explains why now all of the food is on a cart:
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