Friday, May 14, 2021

German Father's Day

Ascension Day, the 40 days after Easter, is a public holiday in Germany. You can read here how this day also came to become German Father's Day as well. On principal, I'm not a fan of the evolution of the day, however, the timing is convenient. It's nice to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day close together. Additionally, Paul enjoys a good adventure, which is the opposite of our no-plan Sabbath Sunday. Finally, Germans don't shift holidays if they fall on a weekend, so it is nice to reliably have a Thursday off.

A week ago, I explored a new restaurant about 1.5 miles away, called Crackbuns, with my friend Robyn.  The only concern was that it would be packed on Father's Day. But lucky for us Pacific Northwesterners; it was raining and Germans don't go out in the rain. 

The kids played at the park across the street while we waited for our food. The park is perfect - not cool enough to be a major food distraction, but enough to entertain while waiting for food. Crackbuns actually hands you a pager, Olive Garden style, to let you know when your food is ready - a first we've seen in Germany.

The park even has a kid's table with chairs. #goodtobepetite

Carmen has been doing a lot of this lately - climbing up on tables to get things she wants or just dance around. 

She's also still in the "putting everything in her mouth phase". We had hamburgers or sand; she went the sand route.

Our Pacific Northwest roots have a limit - we head home after it started pouring down rain. Carmen sang the whole way.

Both Hugo and Carmen proceeded to do this for the following two hours:

One hour in the bike, then one hour on the couch:
Paul, Crosby, and I had a chance to watch a movie. Deluxe.

The littles had more gas in their tanks after their naps so we went across the street for pizza. 

Hugo living his best life = Tails costume over PJs + Orange Fanta (obviously a Dad purchase)

Carmen living her best life = Mommy close-by

Happy Father's Day to my rain-riding, adventure-loving, kid-snuggling, Paul. XO

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