Friday, May 14, 2021

Third Wave Silver Linings

Kita is opening back-up on Monday. Yahoo! With a few precious babysitting hours left today from Oma Friend, I'm posting a look back on some of the highlights of this third round of Kita closures.

Hugo and I often had some nice mornings together while Carmen took her nap and Crosby was at school half day. 

Seen here doing our preferred snuggle and read combo.

These two knuckleheads had more time for morning shenanigans with school starting at 9 am instead of 8 am:

Hugo got the opportunity to do the occasional nap in more comfortable locations:

Much more comfortable

Slightly less comfortable

The bike nap also still happens about once a week. 

We took full advantage of emotional eating resulting in Carmen honing her ice cream eating skills:

Dancing while eating.

Mobile ice cream.

Carmen and Hugo also had more time to bond:

Waves and Curls 💕

(A note on the water - colored bath fizzies are very popular here. Hugo used the tab to "make graffiti" on the wall. #Berlinkid)

There is talk of outdoor pools opening up sometime soon. We also welcome steps back to "normal".

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