Monday, April 04, 2022

Carmen at 2.25

The baby book isn’t finished, but neither are our taxes, I blame Putin and illness. It is definitely not for lack of love of this one:

This girl is so amazing. Where to start?

We live to make her laugh…just a simple giggle. When she starts kackling, you should be worried because she might throw something. That’s something new for the Biggs5, a kid who throws things…and climbs on the counter tops.

Her greatest love is her binkie. We try to use it only at bedtime, but these kita days are long, an who wouldn’t want to just zone out at the end of a long day.

She likes going on adventures. She will dress herself to get ready. Who needs undies or pants when you can just put this fabulous snow suit over your business?

She still has no concept of personal space. We love whispering into each others’ mouths which is where uncle Connor would say “I wonder why you guys are always sick.” No regrets. 

This is actually a photo of when Carmen got back from the Kur after not seeing Paul for 10 days. She does these full body hugs most days I pick her up from Kita.

We recently also did a little family project inspired by the Cat Kid Comic project. Lil’ Petey is teaching characters to write comic books by first writing-up 5 things you like, and five things you like to do. Here are our lists:

Lots of overlap for Carmen and Hugo. ;) The previous post explains why everyone else wrote skiing.

While pizza is her first love, she’s pretty enthusiastic about anything sweet or salty.

Not only does this little lady want to do everything herself. She also insists on helping whenever possible - carrying things in from the bike, helping Crosby unload the dishwasher, or helping Paul work-out.

This is the point in the blog where most moms would say something like “baby girl, don’t ever change.” But, if growing up eventually means sleeping in past 5:30 am, then we’ll embrace it.

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