Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Sick and Tired

I don’t think we can say we survived March until I am safely reunited with the Biggs5 after this quick trip to Eugene to celebrate this:

This month has been a doozy. Also, Carmen is still on the border of being just healthy enough to be back at Kita. We’ve spent a lot of time at home which means many silly conversations. Example: Conversations about Strengths and Weaknesses

Hugo: “My weakness is I don’t have bones in my stomach.”

Crosby: “What are my weaknesses?”

Me: “What do you think are your weaknesses?”

Hugo: “Crosby, you aren’t good at piano.”

Hugo burn. It’s not true. Crosby is awesome at piano.

Whether we’re sick or healthy, we creepily take photos of our kids sleeping. Because that’s what we do.

Me: “Do you want to come in to the grocery store?”

Hugo: “I’ll wait here.”

One hour later, little man started perfecting his bucket aim.

When Carmen falls asleep on the way to Kita, likely she should just come home. I got a phone a call an hour later on this one. 

One particularly cough-y night, Carmen came in my room six times before I finally let her sleep with me. The following night, we tried the strategy of having Crosby comfort her in the middle of the night. I need Crosby for his chore skills and his snuggle skills.

Just getting settled in.


The first night she was back in my bed, the second night, we peaked in on them to see this. 

Yes, they are both sleeping with Carmen on his face. We didn’t hear any groans but understandably they went back to their own sides of the bed:

While looking for sleeping photos I realized we’ve got some good Hugo material over the last couple months that our Boss fans will appreciate. 
This is Day 2 of the stomach bug. His facial expression reminds me of his newborn face.

The blanket cape really brought this “sick Batman” look together. Red bucket just right of the frame. Poor dude.

On the previous sick day he actually put himself to bed, but usually our best bet is to let him lay on the ground until his body just won’t let him go anymore.

This day he went to bed at 4:30 PM and didn’t wake up until 5:30 AM

Now that Hugo is on the mend we can expect more of the usual:

Pillow = thankfully not used as a crash pad this throwback from Christmas time.

And some new sleeping configurations:
Carmen is on the floor next to the boys. Hopefully Paul will also move back into my room. Dream Big.

I got some sleep on my last flight from Seattle to Amsterdam. Let’s see where I end-up falling sleep. Stay healthy and rested my friends. 

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