Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Corona 2, Biggs 3

Things are on the up-and-up around here. Paul turned a corner on Friday.

Seen here picking a family movie. We decided to divide and conquer. Paul and I caught up on the comedy news while the kids watched the Paw Patrol movie.

We narrowly avoided scurvy by sending Crosby to the Denn's organic food store:

I was humming and ha-ing about having neighbors pick-up up things for me when I remembered that our carpool friend, Ella, saved her positive parents two weeks ago by running errands. I gave him a grocery list and he wore his phone watch in case he needed help. He returned in 15 minutes, no problem. The grocery store is kitty corner from our house. I love that nobody asked him why he was grocery shopping. An eight year old buying veggies, eggs, and yogurt with sprinkles is pretty normal apparently. He went again on Monday for more veggies and ice cream; that also helped morale. 

I had Crosby wear his phone watch while in quarantine just to see how much he moves. It turns out the kid gets 10,000 steps a day even when he can't leave the house. He also was doing this:

Literally climbing the walls. Thankfully our carpool neighbors tested negative in-time for us to test positive so we've switched the kid duties this week. Sigh.

Our neighbors carried the team by dropping off donuts, freshly baked bread, additional corona tests, fresh fruit, and even freshly baked homemade pizza. Val especially helped turn the grumpy tide by introducing the boys to Kraft Mac and Cheese.

Hugo helped me make dinner - pull chicken out of the oven, put peas in the microwave, mix the cheese in the with the noodles, plate everything, and bring to the table. This is one of the happiest moments of his life: eating a meal he made himself after not having to go to Kita for an entire week. Boxed Mac and Cheese just blew his mind.

As Carmen tested negative on Monday, I organized our awesome neighbors to get the littles to school today. 

Niv upped his baby walking skills to a U-bahn Kita delivery. 

Carmen will be picked up by her favorite baby friend:

Tilly seen here in party mode.

Paul and I are still positive and can't leave until ten days or we test negative, whichever comes first. I think I'll likely have one more day at home with the littles before I can take them to school on Thursday.  

Paul went back to work yesterday. We sat down today before work to map out our summer. He is comfortable taking one day off in addition to a couple flex days. My life feels a little bit like the end of my last blog post where I talked about crawling into the warm spot ie an analogy for enjoying the small pleasures. That night, I went to go to sleep in the warm spot, which unfortunately was a wet spot. Cue 20 minutes of sheet changes and starting the next day with three loads of laundry. Let's just say we have some work to do to really get back to health.


  1. Kraft Mac & Cheese is a BIG comforter! Way to go Hugo!
    Even though I don't like the way the companies treat their people, in an emergency one can use Getir or Gorillas to get groceries. Even Edeka is apparently jumping on the grocery-delivery business now.

    Hope you get to Corona 0 - Biggs 5 real soon!

  2. And Crosby should get a Superman T-Shirt when this is all over for saving the day! I'm so glad you have a store nearby, but it is still daunting to have to remember everything you are supposed to get and worry about paying correctly and lugging it all back. Glad you took a picture!
