Saturday, July 02, 2022

Breaking out

This pretty much sums-up how we're feeling around here:

The red circle around Hugo's eye is clearly "Zane's Robot Eye" from Ninjago in face paint and not a black eye. 

But as you can see from the photo, we are not in our house. This was Thursday, my first day out in 10 days.  I left Hugo asleep on the bike in-front of the school, threw Carmen on my shoulders, masked-up, ran into the courtyard to cheer on Crosby's class as he sang a rousing rendition of some song that says "brah, brah, brah", and then we ran out of there. I was allowed to leave my house irrespective of my corona results. However with a very fine line, I wasn't interested in seeing how long this variant is really contagious.

Paul was home one more day until Friday.

I'm pretty well dedicated to phoning in the rest of the school year activities because I just don't have a lot in the tank. However, I was especially bummed that we missed out on time with some friends visiting from Portland. They arrived on Wednesday when I was still in quarantine and flew out today, Saturday. But, I did write them out a sample three day Prenzlauerberg-centric itinerary whilst staying at the Oderberger Hotel. Below is a mix of solo time and Biggs' time:

- Drop off your stuff
- East Germany Museum at the Kulturbrauerei - this brewery turned cultural center is cool. This is two blocks from your hotel and free. It gives a cute little overview of life in East Germany.
- German Dinner option: two blocks from your hotel - real German food - pork knuckle is big here.
- Evening - walk through Mauerpark. It’s a scene.

Day 1:
- Breakfast at hotel while Paige ditches kids.
- Paige comes to hotel for a Prenzlauerberg walking tour.
- 12:30 Paige leaves for German class/kid-pickup
- 2:00 Walking tour:  the walking tour starts at the iconic Brandenburg gate and you see all the things.
    Piggybacking on that walking tour:
        Under the memorial for murdered jews of Europe there is an exhibit. It is small but interesting and     free. 
        This would be a longer walk through the "Central Park of Berlin" but a nice beer garden option if you want some green space time.
- Dinner option:  also right next to your hotel. The schnitzel is great. It’s slow. You’ll need to sit outside. 

Day 2:
- Guests choice, walking with Paige:
        1. Berlin wall memorial - this is basically a walk outside your hotel
        2. Walk around Prenzlauerberg - I’ll show you the cool stuff
        3. Arkona park - Friday there is a market, also right by your hotel. Also, in the Jewish Quarter.
        4. Walk around Mitte (where the cool kids hang out) and see a beautiful synagogue.
- 12:30 Paige leaves for German class, kid-pick / Paul can still hang out. If you’re in Mitte maybe you want to hit some museums on museum island? This is my favorite
- 5:30ish - Pizza with kids here - right on the corner of your hotel

Must eat street food:
Döner - a döner is a kabab in German bread. It’s like a German burrito in that it’s of Turkish origin but not found in Turkey. By your hotel option.
Currywurst is a famous Berlin sausage. Any sausage from a cart will also be a winner. The original is by the hotel.

Did we follow this itinerary? No. But did we have fun? 
I think yes.

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