Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Crosby's First Piano Recital

Crosby thought he lucked out skipping his end-of-year recital because Paul and I were still in isolation. He isn't a big fan of piano, but mostly because his lesson interrupts his snack time. I can understand his concern. 

But, luckily his teacher planned another recital with her private students not from the German-Latinamerican Music Academy. The academy has an agreement with the school so that teachers can give students private lessons during school hours. In Crosby's case, the last hour of his day is always free time. On Wednesdays his teacher comes to the school, gives him a lesson, and then he comes home at a normal time. Revolutionary. I don't have to take him anywhere. I just direct deposit 70 Euros / 75 USD a month and let it ride. I believe that other music academies outside the school are more subsidized but the convenience is 100% worth it. Also, his instruction is in Spanish, which is fun.

Crosby's recital was in a fire station turned performing arts/ community center. The building has a similar history to many in the city - interesting building built in the 1890s, fell into disrepair under East German management, and then was renovated in the 1990s. Also similar to other buildings, there is no air conditioning. He and the other students got aquatinted with the piano for an hour, and then I came up for the recital. When I got there, Crosby told me he had a stomach ache.

Per usual, I gave him the tough love and sent him up on stage:

Seen here: nailing his first song "Fireman".
The second song "Piano Star" he had a couple rough spots but kept going.

His third song he had to stop, put his head in his hands, and audibly say "whoops". I don't know if it's a Corona thing, or a German thing, or being an adult so I notice thing - but most of the kids messed up some part of their songs. As such, Crosby fit right in. I turned off my video and missed Crosby bowing three times and then jumping off the stage like a rock star. You'll just have to imagine it...

I told Crosby that we could go to lunch wherever he wanted after the recital. I was bummed that he just wanted to head home because his stomach still hurt. One block from our apartment, Crosby filled an Ikea plastic bag with the contents of his stomach. The poor dude then proceeded to pass out in my bed for the next two hours. Was it nerves, heat, a stomach bug? We'll find out on round two. You think this mom is going to give him a pass on the next recital? No chance.


  1. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Great job, Crosby, you won't be so nervous next time I bet! The first recital is always scary, ask Calvin (who is brushing up his German for some Wagner). So it always gets better the next time, because you know what is coming.

    And way to go, Tiger Mom!
