Paige's Return to Deutschland!

Hallo from Berlin! This blog is a place for friends and family to get occasional snip-its on Biggs' life in Germany and me to assuage my guilt for living so far away from loved ones. Expect bad syntax and so-so sentence structure. There is no shame in just scrolling for little Biggs' photos for a "cute fix" without the risk of getting sucked into social media.

Thursday, November 05, 2020

Eye Spy Hugo

Every Wednesday is field trip day at Kita. When it wasn't Corona time, all the kids over three years old would travel on public transportation to parks or museums around town. They also last winter started visiting the houses of the other little kids. The show stoppers are usually pets or in our case, a very little baby Carmen. I was too busy keeping all the hands in their places to get a photo.

These days the kids usually head to a park that is walking distance from the Kita. They bring a little backpack with breakfast and water. Here is Hugo wearing his backpack on the way to pick-up Crosby.

That was a hint, now can you find him after the 20 minute nap mark:

Knock on wood, his nap on the way to pick-up Cros does not appear to make bedtime later, it just makes the evening less kranky. He fell asleep for the night without the mask. But when I went in to put him on the potty one last time, I found him like this:

He heard Carmen this morning and came in as he does, rested from a night of sleep.

Bike - check

Favorite Yellow Cup - check

Stick (Shooter...sigh) - check

Jester Shoes - check

Good mood - check


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