Reaching New Lows in Bergen
Don’t worry this short blog isn’t going to be as much of a downer as the title suggests. The new lows refer to a new favorite pass time…hitting the electric beach. Yes, all of you that know me gasp at the thought. But, it’s snowing and I am as white as a bed sheet. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I write this because I would like to apologize for all those people in the
When I am not baking myself, I am hanging out. I just finished my last course of my masters yesterday. I think I pretty well nailed the test which is a nice way to end my studies. It makes me start thinking about doing a PhD but then I wake up and realize that I should really get a job. I have this next two weeks off so I’ll be doing a combination of sending out my CV, writing cover letters, and doing a little work on the thesis. The original plan was to spend these two weeks off in